Xuehua Zhang:Surface Nanodroplets:Formation, Dissolution, and Applications
发布时间:2019-12-23   浏览次数:724

讲座题目:Surface Nanodroplets:Formation, Dissolution, and Applications

主讲人:Prof. Xuehua Zhang

主持人:方俊锋 教授





Professor Xuehua Zhang completed her PhD in Biomedical Engineering atShanghai Jiao Tong University and became a postdoc in Australia. She was anAssociate Professor in chemical engineering in RMIT University before she movedfrom Australia to Canada in 2017. Her research topics cover micro/nanobubbles on surfaces, dilution-triggeredliquid-liquid phase separation in confined spaces,chemical reactionsof oil nanodroplets, evaporation and de-wetting of multicomponent drops andfunctional surfaces.Prof. Zhang is a Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) in Soft Matter andInterfaces at the Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, Universityof Alberta.


Droplets at solid–liquid interfaces play essentialroles in a broad range of fields, such as compartmentalized chemical reactionsand conversions, high-throughput analysis and sensing, and super-resolutionnear-field imaging. Our recent work focuses on understanding and controllingthe nanodroplet formation on solid surfaces. These surface nanodropletsresemble tiny liquid lenses with a typical height of <1 μm and a volume ofsub-femtoliters. We have experimentally and theoreticallyinvestigated the effects from solvent mixing on the droplet formation undercontrolled flow conditions. A universaldroplet-based platform is developed for determination of partition coefficientin water and oil phases and for fast and sensitive nanoextraction of trace ofhydrophobic compounds in aqueous solutions. We further revealed how evaporation ofmulticomponent drops can be employed to producea large number of supraparticles with tunable shapes and high porosity onhydrophobic surfaces.